What's New
- Mobile Responsiveness: The software is now optimized for use on mobile devices, providing a seamless and efficient experience on the go.
- Slack Integration for Timeoff: The software now integrates with Slack to provide notifications and updates for timeoff requests.
- Alphabetically Sorted Filters: Filters are now sorted in an alphabetical order, making it easier to find the desired filter option.
- Enables editing of time entries in a weekly view: When enabled, regular users and admins can edit, while when disabled, only admins can edit, and regular users can only view.
- Report Summary Time Rounding: Time rounding has been added to the report summary, providing a clearer and more accurate representation of time spent on tasks.
- Link Extraction in Comments: Comments that include links are now extracted and displayed as buttons, making it easier to access external resources.
Bug Fixes
- Fix for Existing Project Set as Template Option: A bug that was causing issues with the existing project set as template option has been fixed, providing a more stable experience for users.
- Improved user interface