Track app



A step-by-step guide

  • Click on your current workspace logo on the top right corner and choose to Create new workspace.

    • Fill in your workspace name and hit the Create workspace button.

Note 1: When you create a workspace, you are automatically that workspace's owner.

Note 2: Once the workspace has been created you will be subscribed automatically to the free plan. In the workspace settings of the free account, you get limited features to operate on.

Note 3: The free trial period is valid only for 14 days following that you can subscribe to other standard, premium or enterprise plans./**@todo link **/ Want to know more about subscription plans? Upgrade to other plans to access all other features.

Setup Workspace

  • Set up Workspace settings

    • Navigate to workspace settings by clicking on your workspace name followed by ‘workspace settings’. /**@todo link **/ Know more about workspace settings and various features.
  • Set up profile

    • Navigate to profile settings by clicking on the profile icon on top right corner follwed by ‘Profile’ option in the drop down. /**@todo link **/Know more about managing your profile.
  • Set up account preferences

    • Click on the profile icon top right corner followed by the preferences option in the dropdown. Mange your email ID, password, time zone and various other advance options. /**@todo link **/Know more about setting up your account preferences.
  • Set up account notifications

    • Click on the Profile icon top right corner followed by the Profile option in the dropdown and the Notifications option on the sidebar on the next page. Manage your tracking reminders and other general notification options./**@todo link **/Know more about setting up your account notifications.
  • Create clients

    • Create new clients with their information so you can create specific projects and tasks easily. /**@todo link **/Know more about creating clients.
  • Create projects

    • Create the projects that you want your team members to work on, which makes it easy for them to access once they have been invited./**@todo link **/ Know more about project creation.
  • Create tasks

    • Create multiple common tasks which can be added to all future projects instead of creating them over and over again. /**@todo link **/ Know more about task creation.
  • Invite Users/team members

    • Invite users/team members to the workspace in a bulk and set regular users and admins while you send invites. /**@todo link / Know more about inviting new users. /@todo link **/ Get to know more about users and their access levels.

Start time tracking

  • Once you have set up your workspace go ahead and start tracking time. /**@todo link **/ Know more about how to track time on real-time basis and enter tracked hours manually.


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