Release notes

Discover the latest Kipe updates and enhancements to improve your time tracking experience.

Tack v1.28.6

January 2023
Web App Release Notes Cover Image:Tack v1.28.6

What’s new

  • Time off improvements
    • Filter time off requests by team and status
    • User can withdraw their approved time off request.
    • Request details view added in requests page
    • Approved by column added in request page
  • Progressive web app
  • Latest app update notification
  • Caching
  • Referral program.

Bug fixes

  • Missing translation in some places
  • Various minor UI and UX fixes for time off
  • Time off requests not submitted properly after policy changes
  • Time off timeline loading too long when This Year selected
  • Time off doesn’t return correct holidays for long overlapping period.
  • Various bugs and improvements for Time Off


  • Performance improved in app