Release notes

Discover the latest Kipe updates and enhancements to improve your time tracking experience.

Tack v1.28.7

January 2023
Web App Release Notes Cover Image:Tack v1.28.7

What's New

  • Time off improvements:
    • The most recent time-off requests are now listed first in the timeline
    • The option to filter policies by type has been added to the policies tab
  • An email re-verification option has been added to the preference settings
  • The option to set a password has been added for users who have not set one
  • The addition of a feature that shows who added login information to landing pages
  • Support for the Spanish language has been added

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing translations in certain areas of the application
  • Resolved issues with filtering reports
  • Various bugs and improvements for the Time Off feature have been addressed


  • Performance improvements, including faster app loading times
  • User interface improvements for easier navigation and use of the application.