Release notes

Discover the latest Kipe updates and enhancements to improve your time tracking experience.

Tack v1.28.8

January 2023
Web App Release Notes Cover Image:Tack v1.28.8

What's New

  • Simplify your time entries with the new "Combine Similar Entries" feature.
  • Quickly toggle between showing and hiding your password with the new "Password Show/Hide" option in the login page.
  • Share your report summaries with ease with the new "Report Summary Export" feature that supports xlsv and csv formats.
  • Stay on top of your auditing with the new "Audit Filter" added in the report summary.

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved the issue of missing translations in certain areas of the application.
  • You'll experience a smoother and more efficient Tracker Daily page with various bug fixes and improvements.


  • Get a better user experience with the improved user interface in the login page.